Jim Gitney is the CEO of Group50® Consulting. He saw that the main reasons strategies didn't work were a lack of strategic alignment and agreement across organizations and bad technology and business processes. As a result, Jim made the Business ...Read More
Strategy Realized—The Business Hierarchy of Needs® is an amazing contribution to the body of knowledge surrounding strategic leadership and effective business management. Jim Gitney’s approach to sharing leadership wisdom focuses on sharing relatable stories, providing case studies with name-brand companies, ...Read More
Thank you for the privilege of reading “Strategy Realized – The Business Hierarchy of Needs® - Turning Strategy Into Results”. It is quite good. I found it concise, well-written and very logical. It was an easy read, and I couldn’t ...Read More
“I had the opportunity to pre-read Jim Gitney’s soon to be released book “Strategy Realized – The Business Hierarchy of Needs®”. It was a very enjoyable read and one that anyone in business should consider. It spells out a proven ...Read More
Very nicely done. It’s challenging sometimes to keep topics relevant through a long career and dynamic changes. You have done this fabulously while incorporating current state as well (tech progression, DEI, Culture, etc.). The format is also amazing – succinct ...Read More
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