Utilizing the Business Hierarchy of Needs® to Improve Productivity – Post Pandemic

Corporate productivity has declined significantly over the last two years. There are many factors for this including remote workforces. I had the honor of presenting my thoughts on improving post-pandemic productivity to the members of IERG (International Executive Resource Group). In this video, I talk about how to use the Business Hierarchy of Needs® to fully engage all stakeholders (individuals, teams, vendors, leaders) in the development and implementation of strategy. Data provided by the Gallup Organization for my book: “Strategy Realized – The Business Hierarchy of Needs®” indicates that fully engaged stakeholders can provide a company with 23% improvements in profit and 18% improvement in productivity along with a host of other benefits shown in the video.
The synopsis of the discussion from IERG is as follows:
Pre-Pandemic studies indicate that 80% of strategies don’t achieve their intended value and 60% of CEOs say their company doesn’t do a good job of implementing strategy. In the post-pandemic business environment, with a larger percentage of stakeholders working from home, implementing strategy is a bigger challenge because the needs of a business, its stakeholders, and operational teams have changed. Jim Gitney, CEO of Group50® Consulting and author of “Strategy Realized – The Business Hierarchy of Needs® “ will share his thoughts on how leadership can be more effective at developing and implementing strategy by addressing the needs of today’s post-pandemic workforce and leveraging their capabilities.