Strategy Realized – The Business Hierarchy of Needs® – Value $$$ Opportunity

This book is built on a model for development and implementation of strategy that has been used by my company Group50® Consulting over the last 1o years to save our clients hundreds of millions of dollars. For me, that summarizes the value proposition, but as a reader, you may want more support for these claims. Gallup Inc. has given me permission to show you the following graphic:
Source: Gallup. For more details, see Gallup’s 2020 meta-analysis, The Relationship Between Engagement at Work and Organizational Outcomes: 2020 Q12® Meta-Analysis: 10th Edition. Reprinted with permission.
The Business Hierarchy of Needs® change management framework is focused on full engagement of all stakeholders in the development and implementation of a business strategy with a focus on a company’s Most Important Goal. It is a recipe for strategic planning, strategy execution and a guide to developing a corporate culture that we call a “Culture of Strategic Execution®”. This book walks you through the process to begin realizing the above numbers in your business: Reduced absenteeism, 18% reduction in turnover, 14% improvement in productivity and 23% increase in profitability. These are compelling numbers and support the results we have seen with our clients. They are so compelling that every leadership needs to reconsider their approach to how they do strategic planning and implement it. This corporate success book provides you with the recipe and resources necessary to apply this model to any type of business situations: Business start-up, restructuring, merger and acquisition integration, carve out, businesses at an inflection Point, and any business that wants to achieve their Most Important Goal and successfully develop and implement their strategic plans.
I look forward to feedback from you and your team. Feel free to drop me a line at Info@strategyrealized,com, give me a call at +1 (909) 949-9083 or request more information here.
About the Author:
Jim Gitney has over 45 years of operating experience in corporate America and as the CEO of Group50® Consulting. He learned his trade with companies such as GE, Stanley Black & Decker, Sunbeam and over 200 companies ranging from startups to multibillion dollar publicly traded companies during the last 18 years of consulting. He has held positions in leadership his entire career. He has been on boards of directors, in the C-suite and managed manufacturing, marketing, engineering, quality and a host of other functional organizations. During that time, he always saw that a lack of strategic alignment and agreement throughout the organizations he worked with as well as poorly executed technology and business processes were always the common denominator to failed strategies. Jim created the Business Hierarchy of Needs® in 2013 and has used it as the framework for designing and implementing strategy with great success since then. Strategy Realized – The Business Hierarchy of Needs® is his effort to collect the key learnings from the last 45 years and share them with you as a step-by-step process for turning strategy to results.